

宠物及其容器的费用将取决于动物的重量和大小加上笼子的组合。这些费用适用于所有情况,即使没有其他托运行李。您可使用1个犬舍,用于2只大小相当的成年动物,它们的相容性高达14 kg(30 lb),每个或三只动物最多6个月龄,每个动物最多14 kg(30 lb)。*养犬场必须遵守国际航空运输协会的规定 守国际航空运输协


  • 宠物办理值机过程可能比平时需要更长时间。我们强烈建议您在预定起飞时间前4小时到达机场,并提供完整的文件。
  • 在飞机起飞前5天,让宠物适应其犬舍。
  • 出发前2小时提供清淡的食物和/或水。在飞行期间,宠物将不会得到任何食物或水。
  • 在航班起飞前遛狗
  • 只有在咨询兽医的情况下才能给宠物注射镇静剂
  • 宠物货运适用于以下情况:
  1. 携带宠物的犬舍重量超过75公斤和/或292厘米
  2. 您的宠物与您乘坐的航班不同
  3. 您的宠物前往的国家,其当局只允许将宠物作为货物运输


Small Kennel with Pet

Domestic Rates

Maximum Weight (23 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (203 CMs) Check-in Rate $ 90

International Rates

Maximum Weight (23 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (203 CMs)
GCC $ 120 $ 120 $ 135 $ 150 $ 175
ISC $ 120 $ 120 $ 135 $ 150 $ 175
MENA $ 135 $ 135 - $ 150 $ 175
APAC $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 - $ 175
EUROPE $ 175 $ 175 $ 175 $ 175 -

Medium Kennel with Pet

Domestic Rates

Maximum Weight (45 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (250 CMs) Check-in Rate $ 130

International Rates

Maximum Weight (45 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (250 CMs)
GCC $ 200 $ 200 $ 225 $ 250 $ 300
ISC $ 200 $ 200 $ 225 $ 250 $ 300
MENA $ 225 $ 225 - $ 250 $ 300
APAC $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 - $ 300
EUROPE $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 -

Large Kennel with Pet

Domestic Rates

Maximum Weight (75 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (292 CMs) Check-in Rate $ 250

International Rates

Maximum Weight (75 KGs) Dimensions Up to (W+L+H) = (292 CMs)
From/To GCC ISC MENA APAC Europe Domestics
GCC $ 350 $ 350 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 250
ISC $ 350 $ 350 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 250
MENA $ 400 $ 400 - $ 500 $ 600 $ 250
APAC $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 - $ 600 $ 250
EUROPE $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 - $ 250

We strongly advise you to contact your nearest local sales office team at least 24 to 48 hours after booking the ticket. Please note that each guest may bring up to 2 pet kennels, for a limited number of kennels in the hold.

  • The kennel must have a fiberglass or rigid plastic shell. Wooden, metal bar or welded wire mesh kennels are not allowed.
  • The wheels must be removed or if they are retractable, they must be taken off or blocked with duct tape.
  • The door must have a centralized locking system which fastens with locks on the top and at the bottom of the door.
  • The door hinge and locking pins must engage the container by at least 1.6 cm (5/8 in) beyond the horizontal extrusions above and below the door opening where the pins are fitted.
  • The two parts of the kennel must be joined by bolts. Any other locking system is strictly forbidden.
  • The kennel must be large enough for the pet to stand up without touching the top, turn around easily and to lie down in a natural position.
  • The kennel must have a blanket or other absorbent material on floor. Please note that straw is not allowed.
  • You can purchase such a kennel at larger pet shops or specialist shipping agents.
  • Embassy consultation of departure and destination countries is recommended to ensure the applicable rules and necessary documents while transporting the pet. For more information, please visit the International Air Transport Associatio IATA website
  • To, from or within the European Union other countries do not allow pets being transported to and/or from that country read more. For more information, please visit the IATA website. For questions about transporting your pet as freight, please contact Oman Air Cargo team.